Monday, August 17, 2015


Gun control can not be won by Democrats. So therefore, the liberal fantasy of banning all firearms, and crossing the 2nd Amendment off the Bill or Rights like it's a checklist is impossible. Instead, they try to get around the 2nd amendment by banning aspects of a firearm that any law abiding, physiologically sound person should have the right to own. If you disagree they ask if you care about the children of Sandy Hook. This tactic isn't just wrong, it's evil. It is disgusting that they use a tragedy committed by a madman as a talking point to promote their unconstitutional agenda.

When you are debating someone, ask them why they would like to ban an AR15 rifle, when vastly more amounts of murders are committed with handguns? You see where the inconsistencies are within their arguments? If you are looking for reducing firearm deaths ban the gun that kills the most. If you want to ban people from getting thirty round magazines, why not ban people from buying three, ten round magazines as well? Banning the thirty round magazines will add a grand total of about nine seconds of reload time to fire those same thirty rounds for someone familiar with the AR15 platform.

In order to reduce mass shootings we must address the mental health aspect of these individuals, as well as how they had access to these firearms. If a madman is intent on killing as many people as possible, regardless of if he has access to firearms, he will find a way to do it. Why can't laws be created to accommodate both stances? Why not a law that requires you to use a gun safe if you have a mentally unstable person in your home?

For the rise of a tyrannical government, one must first disarm its citizens. Stalin did it, Hitler did it, Mao did it. I am not implying that this is the reason the United States government is pushing gun control, but this is why it is in our Bill of Rights. When you start putting restrictions and limitations on our founding principles, you open up the floodgate for the government to control every aspect of your life. 

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin

David Conolly

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