Thursday, August 13, 2015


On an episode of Dr. Drew things became a little heated in a debate of whether or not Caitlyn Jenner deserved his ESPY for "most courageous".Conservative author Ben Shapiro refused to acknowledge that Caitlyn Jenner was a woman due to his biological makeup. On the panel discussing this with him was a transgender woman by the name of Zoey Tur.

Things became heated however when Ben Shapiro asked Zoey, "what are your genetics sir?" Zoey then grabs Shapiro by the neck and threatens to put him in an ambulance. Off air Zoey then threatens him again by saying, "i'll see you in the parking lot."

Huh, how feminine of her.

Now, lets imagine if the roles were reversed. Zoey says something to Shapiro in regards to his physical appearance (which she does by calling him a little man).  He then grabs Zoey by the back of the neck and threatens him/her with physical violence. We would have a much different story. Shapiro's career would be over and he would leave that discussion in a pair of cuffs.

The hypocrisy of this circumstance is unbelievable. While watching the video, notice how nobody on the panel does anything. In fact, they begin to blame Shapiro for the incident. Watch the full video and see for yourself.

Battery charges have been filed with the LAPD by Shapiro.

David Conolly

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