Does a business have a right to choose who their customers are? It's a double edged sword. On one hand if you agree business should have that right, you open yourself up to discrimination. With the other being that you are allowing the government to control your business by threat of legal charges.
The main difference between these two is that you can totally prevent government control in your day to day lives. There will always be racist, sexist, and homophobic individuals in our society. Those people might become business owners. The beauty of capitalism however is that as a whole it doesn't care about whether or not you are gay, black, or Muslim. It only cares for your money. So those racist business' won't be open for long. When you allow the government to regulate your business in such a way, it enables them to force you by point of gun to do as they say.
That's whats been so misunderstood about the current gay rights movement. It first just started out with keeping the government out of your bedroom. Which I agree with. Then came redefining marriage. If you were openly against it, you were homophobic and a hateful person. Now your business' must serve a gay or lesbian couple even if it goes against your religious beliefs.
Out of your bedroom: Check
Into the churches: Check
Into your business: Check
See where this hypocrisy lies? At first it's about anti government intervention, but then it is warped around so the government is in your daily life. Open your eyes to see what is really going on here. When someone doesn't agree with you, get the government to force them to.
David Conolly
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