Saturday, August 15, 2015


Bernie Sanders can be described as the last Woodstock socialist in Washington. He's gaining support at the polls and it's looking like he's Hillary Clinton's top competition. Will he really a big threat to her? If he somehow does get the nomination will he be able to beat the republican nomination?
The answer to the first question comes down to if Hillary does not get her email scandal addressed and fixed. That will be a hard thing to do. If she is somehow able to bypass the email scandal and put it on the back burner, Sanders  will have no chance.  While Sanders may have the lead in a couple of states, Hillary is still dominating the democratic polls. Leading Sanders in almost every one by more that thirty-five percent. Those numbers don't look good him.

So to answer the first question, no. The hype around Sanders is nothing but that, hype. Hillary will still be the Democratic nomination. To answer the second question, no. Sanders is more left than Hillary, and I personally don't believe the American people want a openly socialist regime in the white house. Study after study shows that people do want a fair tax percentage across the board, for everyone. Because of this, openly socialist views such as Sanders will not work. Unlike most Democratic candidates. They lie to promote their socialist, and sometimes communist agendas, but do it in a way that will appeal to the American people without concerning them. To put it simply, Bernie Sanders' socialist policies won't get him elected because he's  honest about them.

David Conolly

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