Saturday, August 15, 2015


Medical marijuana is a mainstream topic. I have met many medical marijuana users. Let me be honest right of the bat, it is a sad myth. I understand that there are people who use this substance on their deathbed to help their pain. Unfortunately, the facts the main stream media give you are very misleading. I am a college student and I will say that getting denied a medical marijuana card is harder than obtaining one. I have met many individuals that have been prescribed marijuana. Their reasons vary from back pain to insomnia. These reasons however are excuses just to not get arrested by law enforcement. If marijuana is to be continued as a medicine, doctors and patients alike should treat it like one. Marijuana as a whole is in an awkward state. The medical marijuana myth is clear, but it is hard to debate against its legalization when substances such as alcohol and tobacco are legal. Nevertheless, medical marijuana has to stop, or be altered. It's an abused narcotic that most of your typical users don't know the effects it has. Listed below are some of the harmful side effects of marijuana.

Short Term Effects

  • Altered sense of time
  • Impaired body movement
  • Difficulty with thinking/problem solving
  • Impaired memory.
Long Term Effects
  • Learning functions
  • Memory troubles
  • Thinking functions
These effects can be permanent. The average teenage marijuana user loses eight IQ points by the time they are thirty-eight. In conclusion when people tell you marijuana is harmless, they either haven't done the research, or they are lying.

David Conolly


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