I attend Northern Arizona University and I constantly hear the topic of college being free. Barack Obama has made advances towards making community college free for everyone, Is this a good idea? To put it simply, no. At first glance it may seem like a great way of having more U.S. citizens with higher education, but the side effects and consequences, need to be looked into and discussed. Below are some bullet pointed reasons as to why a free college experience wouldn't work.
When people use the term "free" community college most people don't realize where that money is coming from. People must be informed that taxpayers would be paying for this "free" education. Whether you like it or not every year during tax season, you must fork over more more for government control over education. Look at how well that's working out for American high schools.
This concept is so simple i'm surprised no one has brought it up. When a product or service is given to you, most people do not value it as much compared to if they bought it. What motivates me to get good grades is not necessarily because I want to learn about the topic, or have my transcripts look nice. I want to get good grades because I simply don't want to pay the money to take the class over again. My attendance was always stellar because I wanted to get the class over with. I guarantee if "free" college becomes a reality we will see an increase in time it takes to graduate, as well as an increase in dropouts. Who cares, it's free right?
If there is one thing college has taught me it's that the liberal bias talked about in upper education is alive and well. The experiences I have had with this most people wouldn't even believe. From being called a person of hate if you oppose gay marriage, to being offered extra credit to aid illegal immigrants come across the border. Do we really want more federal money flowing into upper education to brainwash our future generations?
David Conolly
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
I attended Dr. Ben Carson's Arizona Rally yesterday and I was impressed but not wowed. Like I have stated before, Ben Carson is a solid candidate who might just be exactly what the Republicans need to beat the Democrats in 2016. He stated his stances on most issues and was very intriguing despite being a soft toned man. I did learn more as to who he was as a person and what he believes America's foundations are. A total of 12,000 people attended which was way more than what was anticipated. This rally however, did bring up a big concern of mine. The separation of church and state.
When I entered the massive room I could hear people talking and slight Christian music over the loudspeaker. I had no problem with this since the music was at an appropriate volume. The rally started with a prayer which was to be expected. After this, a pianist comes on and begins to play Christian music on the piano for about ten minutes. At this point I got the message loud and clear. I consider myself Christian, and try to follow the morals Jesus taught us in my everyday life, but even I just wanted to get to his political points by the end of the singing. I began to fear that his strong faith may distance himself from a majority of the American people who do not consider them self a Christian. I imagined what it would be like if I was a swing, atheist voter who had attended this rally knowing little as to who Dr. Ben Carson was. I would have concerns. I would've like to dive deeper into if he would make decisions purely on Judaeo-Christian principles, or if he would put that aside and look at what is best for the nation. As we all know sometimes those two though principles collide. Democrats will use his strong religious values as ammunition against him. He must state early on, that his faith guides him, but he understands and respects the separation of church and state.
David Conolly
When I entered the massive room I could hear people talking and slight Christian music over the loudspeaker. I had no problem with this since the music was at an appropriate volume. The rally started with a prayer which was to be expected. After this, a pianist comes on and begins to play Christian music on the piano for about ten minutes. At this point I got the message loud and clear. I consider myself Christian, and try to follow the morals Jesus taught us in my everyday life, but even I just wanted to get to his political points by the end of the singing. I began to fear that his strong faith may distance himself from a majority of the American people who do not consider them self a Christian. I imagined what it would be like if I was a swing, atheist voter who had attended this rally knowing little as to who Dr. Ben Carson was. I would have concerns. I would've like to dive deeper into if he would make decisions purely on Judaeo-Christian principles, or if he would put that aside and look at what is best for the nation. As we all know sometimes those two though principles collide. Democrats will use his strong religious values as ammunition against him. He must state early on, that his faith guides him, but he understands and respects the separation of church and state.
David Conolly
The Pentagon plans on increasing the use of drones by fifty percent by the year 2019. War is changing. Within a matter of years, most US soldiers will be looking at a computer screen in order to complete their mission. With that however, comes the risk of cyber attacks being more devastating than ever. With the internet and technology becoming more accessed by everyday people, advanced methods of firewall protection, as well as increased protection against EMP's will become a crucial aspect of military funding.
Is this the right decision? While I have my worries, I consider the use of drones to be a huge advantage in combat. U.S. soldiers' lives will be saved. That alone is worth this increase in drones. We must not expect the price of war to be reduced. Security measures alone will be a huge cost to the American tax payers. China alone has been able to breakthrough U.S. cyber security measures, North Korea has been able to break American corporations cyber security, soon most everyone in civilized nations will have the capabilities to be able to crack security measures.
Will we be able to keep up with these hackers? Only time will tell. War is changing, and it is up to our government to adapt or pay tremendous consequences.
David Conolly
Is this the right decision? While I have my worries, I consider the use of drones to be a huge advantage in combat. U.S. soldiers' lives will be saved. That alone is worth this increase in drones. We must not expect the price of war to be reduced. Security measures alone will be a huge cost to the American tax payers. China alone has been able to breakthrough U.S. cyber security measures, North Korea has been able to break American corporations cyber security, soon most everyone in civilized nations will have the capabilities to be able to crack security measures.
Will we be able to keep up with these hackers? Only time will tell. War is changing, and it is up to our government to adapt or pay tremendous consequences.
David Conolly
Monday, August 17, 2015
While attending my leftist, biased university, I have stumbled upon one thing with some actual value. The political compass is an awesome tool in determining where you lie on the political spectrum. All my friends and family have taken it. It also might surprise you as to where you lie on it. I've had self proclaimed Democrats end up being more economically conservative than myself. I've also had close conservative friends be surprisingly liberal. I normally will not promote a specific product like this one but it's free. If you enjoy politics or this site, I must recommend it.
Take the test here.
David Conolly
Take the test here.
David Conolly
Gun control can not be won by Democrats. So therefore, the liberal fantasy of banning all firearms, and crossing the 2nd Amendment off the Bill or Rights like it's a checklist is impossible. Instead, they try to get around the 2nd amendment by banning aspects of a firearm that any law abiding, physiologically sound person should have the right to own. If you disagree they ask if you care about the children of Sandy Hook. This tactic isn't just wrong, it's evil. It is disgusting that they use a tragedy committed by a madman as a talking point to promote their unconstitutional agenda.
When you are debating someone, ask them why they would like to ban an AR15 rifle, when vastly more amounts of murders are committed with handguns? You see where the inconsistencies are within their arguments? If you are looking for reducing firearm deaths ban the gun that kills the most. If you want to ban people from getting thirty round magazines, why not ban people from buying three, ten round magazines as well? Banning the thirty round magazines will add a grand total of about nine seconds of reload time to fire those same thirty rounds for someone familiar with the AR15 platform.
In order to reduce mass shootings we must address the mental health aspect of these individuals, as well as how they had access to these firearms. If a madman is intent on killing as many people as possible, regardless of if he has access to firearms, he will find a way to do it. Why can't laws be created to accommodate both stances? Why not a law that requires you to use a gun safe if you have a mentally unstable person in your home?
For the rise of a tyrannical government, one must first disarm its citizens. Stalin did it, Hitler did it, Mao did it. I am not implying that this is the reason the United States government is pushing gun control, but this is why it is in our Bill of Rights. When you start putting restrictions and limitations on our founding principles, you open up the floodgate for the government to control every aspect of your life.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin
David Conolly
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Set the date, its about to begin. Hillary Clinton will finally be testifying on October 22nd in regards to Benghazi and her classified emails. Will this effect Hillary's campaign? That all depends on what they find, and if she can somehow slither her way out of this one. However, in my personal opinion all of this will amount to nothing. Someone in her cabinet will probably take the fall, or she will play dumb because the contents of the emails were never labeled classified. Like the saying goes, "it doesn't batter what the person does, what only matters is what you can prove in court." That's what this is going to turn out to be. A simple tale of "I didn't know", and "That wasn't me". The only people who know the entire story are taking paychecks from her. So why would you to expect the FBI to be able to link anything as directly her fault? Intentionally sending classified information through a unsecured server is a federal crime, but only if you "know" the information you are sending out is classified.
David Conolly
David Conolly
The United States military is going to pull their missile defense system out of Turkey by December. The patriot missiles are being brought back to the U.S. for some mechanical upgrades. However, some believe this massive pull of missile defense systems is a retaliation for unannounced Turkish airstrikes on Kurdish separatists on northern Iraq. These airstrikes were dangerously close to US special forces located in the area. While Turkey is listed as an anti-ISIS nation, they have yet to strike them directly. They seem to be more occupied with trying to diminish the PKK.
The PKK is a Kurdish separatist movement with Marxist ideologies. They are viewed as terrorist organization but are affiliated with some Syrian Kurd's. The US State Dep. views the Syrian Kurd's as an effective ground fighting force against ISIS and have provided plenty of detailed information on ISIS to the US military.
With the unannounced airstrike by the Turks, it has put the U.S. in a spot to collaborate with those groups the Turks may not see eye to eye with. With the eradication of ISIS being the United States number one goal in the middle east, the US should go to the Kurd's even more. Especially considering the Turks have done little with the fight against ISIS.
David Conolly
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/08/16/us-pulling-patriot-missiles-from-turkey/?intcmp=hpbt1
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Medical marijuana is a mainstream topic. I have met many medical marijuana users. Let me be honest right of the bat, it is a sad myth. I understand that there are people who use this substance on their deathbed to help their pain. Unfortunately, the facts the main stream media give you are very misleading. I am a college student and I will say that getting denied a medical marijuana card is harder than obtaining one. I have met many individuals that have been prescribed marijuana. Their reasons vary from back pain to insomnia. These reasons however are excuses just to not get arrested by law enforcement. If marijuana is to be continued as a medicine, doctors and patients alike should treat it like one. Marijuana as a whole is in an awkward state. The medical marijuana myth is clear, but it is hard to debate against its legalization when substances such as alcohol and tobacco are legal. Nevertheless, medical marijuana has to stop, or be altered. It's an abused narcotic that most of your typical users don't know the effects it has. Listed below are some of the harmful side effects of marijuana.
Short Term Effects
Short Term Effects
- Altered sense of time
- Impaired body movement
- Difficulty with thinking/problem solving
- Impaired memory.
Long Term Effects
- Learning functions
- Memory troubles
- Thinking functions
These effects can be permanent. The average teenage marijuana user loses eight IQ points by the time they are thirty-eight. In conclusion when people tell you marijuana is harmless, they either haven't done the research, or they are lying.
David Conolly
Bernie Sanders can be described as the last Woodstock socialist in Washington. He's gaining support at the polls and it's looking like he's Hillary Clinton's top competition. Will he really a big threat to her? If he somehow does get the nomination will he be able to beat the republican nomination?
The answer to the first question comes down to if Hillary does not get her email scandal addressed and fixed. That will be a hard thing to do. If she is somehow able to bypass the email scandal and put it on the back burner, Sanders will have no chance. While Sanders may have the lead in a couple of states, Hillary is still dominating the democratic polls. Leading Sanders in almost every one by more that thirty-five percent. Those numbers don't look good him.
So to answer the first question, no. The hype around Sanders is nothing but that, hype. Hillary will still be the Democratic nomination. To answer the second question, no. Sanders is more left than Hillary, and I personally don't believe the American people want a openly socialist regime in the white house. Study after study shows that people do want a fair tax percentage across the board, for everyone. Because of this, openly socialist views such as Sanders will not work. Unlike most Democratic candidates. They lie to promote their socialist, and sometimes communist agendas, but do it in a way that will appeal to the American people without concerning them. To put it simply, Bernie Sanders' socialist policies won't get him elected because he's honest about them.
David Conolly
The answer to the first question comes down to if Hillary does not get her email scandal addressed and fixed. That will be a hard thing to do. If she is somehow able to bypass the email scandal and put it on the back burner, Sanders will have no chance. While Sanders may have the lead in a couple of states, Hillary is still dominating the democratic polls. Leading Sanders in almost every one by more that thirty-five percent. Those numbers don't look good him.
So to answer the first question, no. The hype around Sanders is nothing but that, hype. Hillary will still be the Democratic nomination. To answer the second question, no. Sanders is more left than Hillary, and I personally don't believe the American people want a openly socialist regime in the white house. Study after study shows that people do want a fair tax percentage across the board, for everyone. Because of this, openly socialist views such as Sanders will not work. Unlike most Democratic candidates. They lie to promote their socialist, and sometimes communist agendas, but do it in a way that will appeal to the American people without concerning them. To put it simply, Bernie Sanders' socialist policies won't get him elected because he's honest about them.
David Conolly
Friday, August 14, 2015
Does a business have a right to choose who their customers are? It's a double edged sword. On one hand if you agree business should have that right, you open yourself up to discrimination. With the other being that you are allowing the government to control your business by threat of legal charges.
The main difference between these two is that you can totally prevent government control in your day to day lives. There will always be racist, sexist, and homophobic individuals in our society. Those people might become business owners. The beauty of capitalism however is that as a whole it doesn't care about whether or not you are gay, black, or Muslim. It only cares for your money. So those racist business' won't be open for long. When you allow the government to regulate your business in such a way, it enables them to force you by point of gun to do as they say.
That's whats been so misunderstood about the current gay rights movement. It first just started out with keeping the government out of your bedroom. Which I agree with. Then came redefining marriage. If you were openly against it, you were homophobic and a hateful person. Now your business' must serve a gay or lesbian couple even if it goes against your religious beliefs.
Out of your bedroom: Check
Into the churches: Check
Into your business: Check
See where this hypocrisy lies? At first it's about anti government intervention, but then it is warped around so the government is in your daily life. Open your eyes to see what is really going on here. When someone doesn't agree with you, get the government to force them to.
David Conolly
Just because something is a norm, does not mean it should continue to be universally accepted.
David Conolly
There have been many surprises in the GOP nominee race so far. After the first debate we have seen some crucial poll numbers show changes as to who the favorite is of the republicans. I want to break down a few of the winners after the first debate.
Somehow this man keeps on winning. He remains the favorite in the polls regardless of his attacks coming from every angle during the debate. He says it how he sees it and that's what people like. No background in politics also helps his case. Despite him being jabbed at from the moderators as well as opponents on the stage, he seemed to still somehow be on the offensive every time he talked. I just wonder how long this strategy will last for him.
Ben Carson was a sleeper. Not many voters knew who he was going into the debate, but he changed that. His demeanor and solid talking points were so good he didn't need a loud voice. His comment on educating the American people really stuck in my head as the smartest thing someone on that stage said. We can see Carson's popularity grow in Iowa as well as across the nation. He has even knocked down the previous favorite in Iowa to number 3.
Despite her starting in the "JV" debate, she still managed to be the clear winner of both. Her aggressiveness towards Hillary Clinton appealed greatly towards everyone watching. She shows that she might be the republicans best bet to beat Hillary in 2016. Not holding public office was a concern most had when first watching, but that quickly changed after realizing that might be exactly what America needs.
David Conolly
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Things became heated however when Ben Shapiro asked Zoey, "what are your genetics sir?" Zoey then grabs Shapiro by the neck and threatens to put him in an ambulance. Off air Zoey then threatens him again by saying, "i'll see you in the parking lot."
Huh, how feminine of her.
Now, lets imagine if the roles were reversed. Zoey says something to Shapiro in regards to his physical appearance (which she does by calling him a little man). He then grabs Zoey by the back of the neck and threatens him/her with physical violence. We would have a much different story. Shapiro's career would be over and he would leave that discussion in a pair of cuffs.
The hypocrisy of this circumstance is unbelievable. While watching the video, notice how nobody on the panel does anything. In fact, they begin to blame Shapiro for the incident. Watch the full video and see for yourself.
Battery charges have been filed with the LAPD by Shapiro.
David Conolly
Dr. Ben Carson is on the rise in Iowa and I am not surprised. His biggest problems are his lack of foreign policy knowledge, as well as the public's lack of knowledge as to who he even is. He is a class act who can appeal to both sides of the political aisle. His lack of political experience, I believe, is something he can use to his advantage. Look at how well Trump is using that. Dr. Carson's demeanor is what separates him from Trump. He isn't a loudmouth. In fact, one of my fears after the first GOP debate was that he is too quiet. People instead heard what he was saying, and not how he was saying it. Even during the debate you can see Scott Walker to the right nodding and seems very interested in what this man has to say. That is a rarity among most politicians running against each other. This has resulted in an increased support in Iowa. Dr. Ben Carson may be the least experienced politician up on the stage, but there is no doubt he is one of the smartest and most likable candidate up there.
David Conolly
See the exact numbers of Iowa's GOP polls here.
See Ben Carson's debate highlights here.
David Conolly
See the exact numbers of Iowa's GOP polls here.
See Ben Carson's debate highlights here.
The Right Report
First off I want to thank David for allowing me to
contribute to the great foundation that he set up here on The Right
Report. I could not be more excited to
put my "two cents" in on many of the issues that David and I have
talked about and are going to share with you. Although I agree on majority of
the basic principles that are in politics today, David and I differ on the
finer details, which will be fun for us and you as readers.
Iraq may play perfectly into the Republican campaign for the
2016 election. The ISIS (Islamic State
in Iraq and the Levant and Islamic State) with it's violent executions and
downright brutality in Iraq have backed the President up against the
ropes. His already weak foreign policy
is under the microscope again. The U.S.
Military recently rescued 20,000 Yazidi Iraqi's with a series of
airstrikes. This is exactly why troops
are necessary in foreign countries. The
people need help defending against these attacks, not to mention the food, and
water needed for when they are stranded in the desert fleeing for their
lives. It sounds crazy with the media
making it sound like everyone is thrilled when the President announced troops
coming home, however the American public does not like to run from a
fight. That's what the Republicans need
to make one of their leading stances. We
will not run from conflict, because that is what makes America great! We may take it to extremes, but I'd take
participating much over sitting out any day of the week. With the stance that bringing the troops home
would make the United States vulnerable and weak, (which it will), Republicans
may grab a lot of those blue collar, "put your hard hat on and go to
work", votes that Democrats seem to always receive. Not to mention the most powerful tool in an
election is Nationalism. Pure passion
for your country. If you think that
bringing troops home to sit and wait shows your country and its people that
there is no better place on Earth than America, you're kidding yourself. We need presence in these countries, and if
the Republicans can bring that passion in 2016, I think it will be a great
Michael O'Keene
THE RIGHT REPORT@the_real_Okeene
So let's talk about an issue that is about one year away. It's already a hot topic in our mainstream news. The last eight years was a disaster. With the collapse of the economy, I'll give it to President Obama, he did come into a bad situation. I don't understand why he continues to play the blame game while our total debt has risen while he's been in office. While that's a whole other discussion I won't get into yet, I want to talk about how the Republicans can win back the Oval Office.
I'm going to be listing my steps that I believe the
Republican Party will HAVE to use to ensure their victory in 2016. I may not
say that these things match my beliefs, but there has to be some give or take
in order to win.
1. Swaying Social
With the rapid changing of American norms throughout
society, the Republican Party must adapt to these social changes. The gay
marriage issue must be addressed to a more Libertarian point of view. While
abortion and marijuana are key talking points as well, I believe the candidate
must be in approval of gay marriage in order to succeed against the Democrats.
2. Appeasing Minorities
This issue is a big one. The Democrats have almost total
control amongst minority Americans. While I do think having a minority
candidate would help the Republican party, I do not think they should sink to
this strategy of appeasement. What Republicans must do is support some kind of
immigration reform. I believe that the 'right' needs to put the spotlight on
more minority families overall. We need to show people from different
backgrounds that you are not a black sheep to vote Republican.
3. Financial Reform
This is one of the few things that I believe the Republicans
will win on. Showing evidence that President Obama's swift and brutal reform of
the government spending budget has failed will be a key to our success. They
must also show the track record of the Democratic candidate to prove and to
show that they aren't going to be any different than good ol Barack.
4. Foreign Affairs
With tensions rising in places like Iran, Ukraine, and North
Korea, The American people will side with the idea and viewpoint of us being a
strong militarized nation. We are currently a laughing stock to all of the
other countries. Putin has crossed every red line Obama placed in his sinking
sand of American dignity.
5. Fixing the Class
This is where I truly believe Obama has screwed us up the
most. We are no longer a "United" States of America. We are instead a
broken society who cannot come together on simple issues because one person
makes more money than the other. What the Republicans need is a candidate who
can show that we must meet in the middle on some situations, and develop some
sort of compromise. We need a candidate that is strong and noble in his or hers
efforts to do what they believe is best for our country.
David Conolly
Hello everyone,
My name is David Conolly and I wanted to share with you guys
why have created this page, what exactly this page is about, and what you
should expect to see on this page in the future.
The story behind this page started when I was watching the
news, and I thought to myself about how odd it was that there were not many
young conservative Americans out there. I began to brainstorm as to why this
was. Was it the media being bias? Was it the democratic tactics of just
pointing a finger at the right? No. I came to the conclusion that the main
factor as to why young democrats highly outnumber the young republicans is
because most young adults are naive. They do not look at most issues as a bigger
picture. They do not realize the type of consequences that come with having
more government control.
Thus comes to the reason why I have created this page. I am
only twenty-one years old so I still have plenty of learning to do. Although, I
feel that for the most part, I have my head on straight. I am able to see most
political topics in the bigger picture, and hopefully, everyone who checks into
this page is able to learn a little bit. If you completely disagree, you can at
least gain a new perspective on the political situation at hand.
I am going to try to have a new post up every week. I'm
going to be posting topics ranging from the death penalty, all the way to the
economy. Feel free to comment with your own insight on the post, or to post a
comment requesting a topic you would like me to give my insight on. Thank you
for checking out my blog.
David Conolly
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